Career Transition

Downsizing Assistance:

If your company is faced with the difficult decision to downsize and you want to provide your employees with the tools and systems to be successful in their new job search let JagTag Enterprises guide you through the process. We can assist with every detail of this process and we will exceed your expectations. We have provided downsizing assistance to small, medium and large sized companies over the last 15 years. We can tailor this process to meet the company's needs.

JagTag Enterprises, Inc., assists over 6, 000 individuals looking for work yearly, we have the expertise and the immediate knowledge to assist in this process. We can provide your employees with the most up to date resume, interviewing and job search expectations. One on one coaching is available to each client as well as group sessions.


The newest strategies in using Social Media for job searching will be addressed and each individual will receive the materials they will need for their new adventure in finding work.

JagTag Enterprises Inc., has provided Career Transition services for hundreds of companies setting up on site centers for the employees.

JagTag Enterprises serves employees across all organizational levels from independent contributor through senior-level executives.

We have the expertise to successfully assist in this transition.